Sometimes or more accurately put, problems just comes. We have so many problems in our life. Yet, we think if we were to solve one particular problem then it will all go away.Our life will be happy. But then after spending so much energy on one problem, another comes like a tidal wave. By then we would have forgotten the previous problems. Now we concentrate on the problem at hand. Again, we use all our energy in trying to get rid of this one problem in front of us. When I was growing up, I had so much of skin problem. I tried all sorts of solutions to get rid of it. After some time, it did go away. Then I became very sick. And again another type of skin problem starts. All this just left me totally exasperated. That is how this material world is. Problems are there to bring us closer to Sri Guru and Krsna. How? We will start to pray harder and perhaps even realise somewhat that this life is so insignificant to be drowning in problems.
The only real problem is whether we have total faith and surrender in Sri Guru and Krsna? Whether we have done some service to Vaishnavas or not? Whether we want to get out of this material rut we are in once and for all?
The trappings of the mind and body keeps us entangled in material solutions when in fact there is always another solution. And what is that? Spiritual aspirations. Hopefully I may be able to carry the orders of my Sri Guru upon my head and make that my real problem. Which is in fact not a problem but service. Therefore, this material world is simply made of problems. You solve one and another will come sooner or later like a tidal wave crashing upon you.
The only real problem is whether we have total faith and surrender in Sri Guru and Krsna? Whether we have done some service to Vaishnavas or not? Whether we want to get out of this material rut we are in once and for all?
The trappings of the mind and body keeps us entangled in material solutions when in fact there is always another solution. And what is that? Spiritual aspirations. Hopefully I may be able to carry the orders of my Sri Guru upon my head and make that my real problem. Which is in fact not a problem but service. Therefore, this material world is simply made of problems. You solve one and another will come sooner or later like a tidal wave crashing upon you.