There are times when I try to think of ways to somehow get my students to chant the holy names. One sure way to get them all ears is to tell them ghost stories.
But this is no ordinary ghost story. It involves Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, who was a little boy at that time. It's the story of the temple ghost, where Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur chanted the whole night and delivered the ghost at the abandoned temple.
This is how I got Darren, my 9 year old student to chant, "Haribolo!"
At first I told him to raise both his arms and jump while chanting "Haribolo!"
He did just that.
So now, each time I chant "Haribolo!" Darren would also jump with upraised arms and chant "Haribolo!!"
Sometimes even "Radhe Radhe!"
The power of the holy name is simply unimaginable. Darren has no Indian or Vedic cultural background. He is an innocent child that simply listened to his teacher to chant. Most importantly without questioning.