Once a senior disciple of Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Maharaja related a very inspiring experience he had with his Guru Maharaj. His Guru Maharaj appointed him to be a pujari in one of the temples. But being a non-Indian, he was constantly badgered about his birth by other devotees who are bent on giving him a hard time. ( Sometimes Sri Krsna tests us in many ways . And it’s all about tolerance and hanging on to Sri Guru’s order .) Not being able to take the mental and emotional torture, he went to his Guru Maharaj to be relieved of his service. Instead his Guru Maharaj told him to continue to do the service. But the mental and emotional torture continued. Finally, he approached his Guru Maharaj and explained his situation. Then his Guru Maharaj said he may do other services. This he did but he always met with many types of obstacles. Be it from people or the environment itself. He tried in many ways to preach here and there but all was quite unsuccessful. When his Guru Maharaj left the ...