Separation from Sri Guru from one’s vision is the greatest pain a disciple faces. No more sweet glances. No more chastisement. No more running to the spiritual master for answers. So many no mores! But we have to remember that, the disappearance lila the spiritual master performs is only to teach us that nothing is permanent in this life. It also gives the disciple a chance to go deeper within to know the spiritual master’s true glories, who he truly is and to find a way to always connect with him. By constantly remembering the spiritual master, we are in fact meeting with him. It is time for the disciple to carry out the spiritual master’s instruction. Recently, Sripad Bhaktivedanta Madhava Maharaja gave a very short and sweet class in Malaysia and used the analogy of the turtle, fish and bird in relation to the spiritual master and the disciples. After Maharaja’s talk, all the other devotees glorified Srila Gurudeva in their sweet and personal relationship they had and w...