But we have to remember that, the disappearance lila the spiritual master performs is only to teach us that nothing is permanent in this life. It also gives the disciple a chance to go deeper within to know the spiritual master’s true glories, who he truly is and to find a way to always connect with him. By constantly remembering the spiritual master, we are in fact meeting with him. It is time for the disciple to carry out the spiritual master’s instruction.
Recently, Sripad Bhaktivedanta Madhava Maharaja gave a very short and sweet class in Malaysia and used the analogy of the turtle, fish and bird in relation to the spiritual master and the disciples. After Maharaja’s talk, all the other devotees glorified Srila Gurudeva in their sweet and personal relationship they had and will always have. Below is the excerpt of the talk Maharaja gave:
“When a turtle lays her eggs in the sand, she would not be around to see her babies hatch. After laying the eggs she would leave the eggs and go very far away. Then, in meditation she would lay the eggs.
In the same way, Srila Gurudeva maybe far away from us physically. But he is always thinking of us and nourishing us from within. He is never far away from us.
As for the fish, when it lays its babies, the little fishes will usually swim on the surface of the sea. The mother will swim beneath it and protects it from any harm from other larger sea creatures that might want to eat her babies.
Srila Gurudeva is always protecting us. We should never think he is now gone and very far away from us. At all time we must pray to him and have this confidence that he is always there to protect us.
Then there is the bird. The mother will always be with the eggs before it is hatched. Once hatched, she will fly here and there to feed her babies. She will always be close to her babies until the babies are able to fly on their own.
In the same way, some of Srila Gurudeva’s disciple are close to him. They are protected and nourished. Then the day would come for them to go on their own.
All the three analogies given is only to show that Srila Gurudeva never forgets his children. There never will be a time it will happen."
Maharaja also mentioned that a mother will think of her child who is far away even more than those around her. She is always there for those who are around her because she is around to protect them. But for the child who is far away, she is constantly thinking of them in order no harm would befell them.
Srila Gurudeva is also like that. Always thinking of his disciples who are far away and constantly giving them protection and nourishment.